Addiction Recovery Toolkit

With addiction recovery, there can be many roadblocks and setbacks. When it comes to recovery, it is important to recognize your triggers and how to avoid relapse. Having a sobriety “toolkit” can be helpful because it allows you to know what you can do to stay safe, sane, and sober. Below are a few ideas of useful tools to help you get started.

Connecting with nature, especially with friends and loved ones, is a great way to remind yourself that you are not alone in life and that you are loved. It can be helpful to be in nature and see the beauty in the world, and it can be a reminder that recovery is worth it.

Exercise is good for both physical and mental health, and therefore is good for recovery. The level of exercise isn’t important—just getting up and moving around is helpful.

Self-care is an essential tool in recovery. The positive impact of basic self-care is indisputable; eating right, getting enough sleep, healthy personal hygiene, and avoiding stressful situations are ways to take care of our bodies and minds. When we have healthy bodies and minds, it makes roadblocks to recovery seem less insurmountable.

Using the phone is a good tool to have because it can connect you to others. When a person is struggling, reaching out with a call or text to a trusted loved one who can help you through the problem is huge. Phones can also be used to connect to friends and loved ones on a daily basis, which can help to strengthen relationships that will help you down the path to recovery.

There are many tools that can help you in the recovery process, and it is important to find out what works for you. When you have tools to help you through recovery, it can make any setbacks you encounter seem more possible to overcome.